About Me

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Find your balance, energy & happiness the natural way

About Me

Hi, my name is Elaine Anderson BSc. EEM-CP, I am a dedicated practitioner of energy healing, catering to individuals seeking alternative solutions beyond traditional methods. My expertise lies in identifying and releasing energy blockages, thereby enabling the body, mind, and spirit to heal naturally. Through personalized sessions, I empower clients to reclaim control over their lives by providing tailored guidance on exercises designed to optimize and balance their energies.

My journey into energy work started from personal health challenges, which conventional healthcare approaches were unable to fully address. It was through the exploration of alternative healing modalities that I discovered a more holistic approach to wellness. A pivotal moment in this journey was a Reiki session, during which I experienced a profound and immediate sense of relaxation. This transformative experience not only marked the beginning of my own healing journey but also illuminated the path to the work that I now dedicate myself to, with the aim of empowering others to embark on their own path to wellness.

Following my initial introduction to energy work, I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with the distinctive healing approaches of James Minckler, a renowned practitioner who has successfully integrated the wisdom of Oriental, Egyptian, and Native American cultures into his practice. Minckler’s innovative methodology, which harmoniously blends various healing arts, has been instrumental in restoring and balancing the body’s energies, leading to profound and lasting results.

In 2016, I embarked on a journey to explore the comprehensive framework of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), as developed by the esteemed Donna Eden. This holistic approach recognizes and works with nine distinct energy systems within the body, including the meridians, chakras, aura, electrics, five rhythms, triple warmer, and radiant circuits.

My search for information on energy healing prompted me to enroll in an introductory course on Eden Energy Medicine, which not only provided an overview of various basic energy self-care practices but also included an opportunity to personally experience an EEM session. This session proved to be a pivotal moment, as it granted me a profound understanding and tangible sensation of the concept of being grounded. Inspired by this experience, I pursued and successfully completed the comprehensive two-year Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program.

Most recently, I have expanded my practice to incorporate two vibrational healing modalities: Radionics and Homeopathy. Radionics, founded on the principle that each disease possesses a unique vibrational frequency, enables the identification and neutralization of these frequencies, thereby allowing the body to restore its natural balance. I find Radionics to be a highly effective diagnostic tool, facilitating the determination of underlying causes and the treatment of diseases.

Homeopathy, a centuries-old therapeutic approach, adopts a comprehensive perspective, addressing the individual as a unified entity encompassing body, mind, and spirit. This holistic system of medicine is dedicated to not only alleviating symptoms but also identifying and addressing the underlying causes of illness, with the ultimate goal of promoting, maintaining, and restoring overall health and well-being.

Life’s journey can be a complex and multifaceted experience, encompassing the interconnected aspects of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As we navigate the twists and turns that life presents, it is essential to have a clear direction and purpose. I am here to offer guidance and support, empowering you to take the initial step towards a more defined and purposeful path forward.

My Practice


#3 22130 Stony Plain Rd
Edmonton, AB T5S 2C3

Make an Appointment


Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 3pm – 6pm