My Specializations

“The best portion of life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you”



Radionics (Abrams Method) is an alternative healing modality that uses intuition and energetics to heal underlying illnesses and support healthful inner balance.


Reiki is a type of energy healing. According to practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.


Homeopathy, a centuries-old therapeutic approach, adopts a comprehensive perspective, addressing the individual as a unified entity encompassing body, mind, and spirit.

Remote Healing (Distance Healing)

One benefit of remote healing: You can work with a healer in any part of the world. This means you aren’t limited by geography.

“The way that we experience space and time is not how space and time exist. We live in a linear timeline: We transcend space and time with reiki. It’s energy,”


Radionics (Abrams Method) is an alternative healing modality that uses intuition and energetics to heal underlying illnesses and support healthful inner balance.

Radionics aims to promote healing by assessing and realigning energy in the body. Radiomics assumes that every living thing has a subtle energy field that sustains and vitalises the physical body.

If the subtle energy field becomes weak or damaged by stress or pollution then, in turn, the physical body will become weak and susceptible to illness and disease. The aim of radionics is to identify any weaknesses or problems with the subtle energy field and repair them. Once the energy field is whole and strong the physical body will balance and repair itself too, thereby preventing or eliminating disease.

How does it work?

Radionics can be practiced from a distance and is completely non-invasive, thanks to an innovative electromagnetic approach that uses the physics of quantum entanglement to tune into your body’s needs and make adjustments from afar.

Radionics works on the principle that every disease has a specific vibrational rate, which can be measured. By connecting the client to a radionic instrument and then firstly observing the reactions of the instrument and secondly using their intuition, practitioners are said to be able to determine the underlying cause of a disease. Once that has been done, the practitioner can then determine which form of treatment will eliminate the cause of the disease.

What does it involve?

A consultation with a radionics practitioner can take place in person, over the phone or by questionnaire. Because radionics works on the subtle energy field, it is not always necessary for the client to be present during the analysis and treatment. Instead, the work can be carried out using a piece of the client’s hair, a picture, or the combination of their birthdate and full name.

Once the analysis is complete the practitioner may then suggest treatment, which might be, for example, homeopathy, herbs or flower remedies.

What are the benefits?

Studies suggest that radionics can be of use with any from of disease but not necessarily with every individual client. It has been shown to be effective with a wide range of ailments including anxiety, eczema, asthma, depression, stress, panic attacks, sinusitis, arthritis, chronic fatigue and food allergies.

What are the side effects and when should it be avoided?

Because radionic treatment takes places at a non-physical level, it does not have any unnatural side effects.

The one exception to this, are individuals with pacemakers. The electromagnetic energy of the radionics can interfere with the pacemaker’s electrical frequencies.


The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. Reiki is a type of energy healing. According to practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.

Reiki can help treat

Cancer, heart Disease, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, infertility, neurodegenerative disorders, autism

Practitioners know

Reiki channels universal energy known as ki, pronounced “chi.” This is the same energy involved in tai chi exercise.


Aids relaxation, assists in the body’s natural healing processes, and develops emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

My Approach

  • Centering
  • Clearing
  • Beaming
  • Extracting harmful energies
  • Infusing
  • Smoothing & raking the aura


Homeopathy comes from Greek words meaning “like” and “suffering.”  It is based on age-old principles rooted in traditional healing practices, reflecting ancient beliefs about the body’s interaction with nature.

Homeopathic remedies start with substances, such as herbs, minerals, or animal products. They are diluted again and again and “succussed” or shaken vigorously between each dilution.

Its central principle, “like cures like,” suggests that a substance causing certain symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in someone who is ill. This concept traces its roots back to ancient Egypt and Greece.

For instance, if you have a cold with a runny nose and watery, irritated eyes, a homeopath might suggest Allium cepa. This remedy is made from red onion, which can cause similar symptoms. The idea is that the diluted remedy could help your body’s natural defenses kick in to relieve your cold symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies are designed to activate the body’s natural healing processes. Homeopaths believe that physical ailments often have mental and emotional dimensions, so a diagnosis considers not only physical symptoms (like fever) but also the individual’s current emotional and psychological state (such as anxiety and restlessness), as well as their overall constitution. This constitution encompasses traits like creativity, initiative, persistence, concentration, physical sensitivities, and stamina. The appropriate remedy is tailored to address all these aspects, making each diagnosis and treatment uniquely personalized.

Homeopathic medicines are typically diluted to the point where they usually do not produce side effects. However, some individuals might experience a temporary worsening of symptoms when they begin a homeopathic remedy. Homeopaths view this reaction as a sign that the body is briefly amplifying symptoms as part of its process to restore balance and health.

It’s used for a wide variety of health issues, including some chronic illnesses:

  • Allergies
  • Migraines
  • Depression
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Premenstrual syndrome

It can also be used for minor issues like bruises, scrapes, toothaches, headaches, nausea, coughs, and colds.

Remote Healing (Distance Healing)

Described by Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance”, distance healing is a term used to describe a healing technique whereby you do not have to be physically present to receive healing. This technique enables individuals to receive healing remotely through the healer’s intention.

Across history and across various cultures, there are numerous accounts of people who were said to heal simply through their caring intentions. The ancient shamanic tradition of using focused intention for healing continues to thrive in modern times.

Distance healing is grounded on the belief that the body is surrounded by an energy field—sometimes known as subtle energy, vibrational energy, or life force—and that disturbances in this field can influence our health and well-being. Although it may seem improbable, distance healing is supported by scientific principles that suggest energy can bypass the constraints of space and time. This concept is illustrated by quantum entanglement, where particles become so interconnected that a change in one can instantly impact the other, regardless of the distance separating them.

In distance healing, the healer and the recipient are energetically linked, enabling the healer to transmit healing energy through this connection. A clear and focused intention from the healer is essential, as it directs the energy toward the recipient. For the healing to be effective, the recipient must also be open and receptive to receiving the energy.

In recent years, though, energy healing has been trending as a health and wellness modality, with one study concluding that the healing of a patient must include their mental, emotional and spiritual (energetic) aspects, along with their biology and chemistry. Many are now offering their services online under the names like remote healing, distance healing and distant energy healing.

While energy healing takes different forms, the benefits commonly include alleviation of pain, along with relief from symptoms of anxiety, depression, mood imbalances, brain fog and a wide range of other health issues.

My Practice


#3 22130 Stony Plain Rd
Edmonton, AB T5S 2C3

Make an Appointment


Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 3pm – 6pm